Explore Zacapa’s Premium Rum Selection
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Aged above the Clouds. Born from the rich Guatemalan soils, using the finest virgin sugar cane honey. A true sensorial liquid art, revealing an extraordinary and delicate blend.

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Zacapa No. 23

Zacapa No. 23 is aged in selected barrels that previously aged robust American whiskey, delicate sherries and fine Pedro Ximénez wines, creating a smooth & balanced rum

Shop Zacapa 23

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Maximusa simporpori ipienih illabo. Ellupit estest explitae numrerspel loribus exceaquate officidis alis sent.

Maximusa simporpori ipienih illabo. Ellupit estest explitae numrerspel loribus exceaquate officidis alis sent.

Maximusa simporpori ipienih illabo. Ellupit estest explitae numrerspel loribus exceaquate officidis alis sent.

Lips to Soul
Shake things up
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Old Fashioned
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90ml Zacapa Solera Gran Reserva

15ml Sugar cane honey

2 dash of Orange bitter

1 Cinnamon extract spray

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Combine bitters, sugar cube and splash of water into a rocks glass and stir to combine.

Add Zacapa No. 23 and large ice cube to glass and stir.

Garnish with an orange twist.

Shop Zacapa
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45ml Zacapa Edicion Negra Rum

25ml Italian Vermouth

25ml Italian Herbal Aperitif

Orange Twist

text image How to make it

Combine all ingredients except orange twist in a rocks glass with ice.

Stir gently and garnish with an orange twist.

Shop Zacapa

Aged Above The Clouds

The liquid in each bottle is truly a gift from above - having been aged 7,545ft above sea level to develop its notable deep aroma and rich layers of flavour.

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